3 Tips to Protect Yourself when Selling a Gun

Protect yourself when selling a gun So it’s time to sell your gun. For many gun owners, selling a gun can cause some anxiety – for good reason, too. Today’s legal and political environments don’t tolerate a single misstep. Selling a gun can carry significant liability. Taking the proper steps will protect you from any

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Private & Confidential Gun Transfers

How we Protect your Data Like most gun owners, you are likely concerned with how we share your information. The short answer is that whenever possible, we don’t. What about the Government? Gun Transfer deals directly in data, not firearms. We never physically distribute guns to owners, and as such, are under no obligation to

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Securing Your Gun Transfers

Why and How Your Data is Safe Protecting your data is our number one priority; so we made sure every step of our app’s process is secure. We know how important privacy and security is to you because it is to us as well. When we set out to make this app, we asked ourselves

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